my CREATE workshop....

i had a sweet time at the CREATE retreat, the wee time that i spent there... went to the Mixed Media Mixer on Wed night - and forgot to take pix...that's how fun that one was... hanging out with other art-ies and chatting up a storm...and listening to Pokey call out random winners for prizes...! :)

then my workshop on sunday was a cozy, rockin time! with 5 beautiful, artistic ladies who graced my presence with their stunning abilities and no-fear attitudes in getting inky hands! ;) we were having such a grand time that we were only able to finish 3-4 of the 7 pieces!!! ahhh!! :P


  1. Looks like everyone had a GRAND time! Look at the smiles on those faces and the ink on those fingers!

  2. Wish that I could have been there. Looks like you had a blast!
    Love, Nj


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