favorite days. and NEXT WEEK'S THEME.

my favorite days of last week's journal pages from my kiddos were the rainy days.

we went for watercolors on those days. and i had to jump in myself when we got those out. :P (see more on my flickr pool)

now - we are not spending a ton of time on these...as you can see. they are just quick little depictions of what is happening that day for the weekly topic. my boys do not seem to really want to dabble more than 5 minutes on the page - then they're off to playing again with other things... but it is something creative to work on habitually for the summer - in addition to their academic workbooks that they've been working on - HERE ....

newt week's theme....WEEK TWO : creepy crawlies, animals, birds, butterflies, etc...

we are starting a new booklet/signature. week 2:

this theme was requested by my 7yo. he said animals - and i was thinking - we live in the city and don't really see animals every day...so i had to expand it a little more to bugs and birds and butterflies. :P

can't wait to see what the littles draw up!!

ps. you can follow along HERE, too.


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