
hello hello!  the sun has been peaking out of hibernation off and on and i am a happy little bird.  spring is coming..

now here is a fun little ditty.. i created some sweet arty pouches with my newly made screenprints and was intrigued and happily surprised that they resembled sunprints.

now sunprinting is fantastic fun.  but perhaps mr.sun has taken the day off or even a week and yet you would still like to make merry with something artworthy.similar.  cheer up!  here is another way.

paint on your canvas or paper, lots of pretty blues.  some dark and some light.  i used a gelli plate for my canvas squares.  let it dry.

now take your fabulous little screenprint (see my last 2 posts) - and some white screenprinting ink, and make a print.  let this dry.  then seal it with varnish if you'd like... and voila!  your very own rainy.day, no.sun, faux sun.print!

i turned these into pouches.  you can get them HERE.  today is the 216th birthday of Anna Atkins, who made the first book of photos (from sunprints!).. and when the sun comes back out, check out alisa burke's awesome sunprinting project. happy day!!


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